United States Metric Board

The United States Metric Board was a United States government agency set up to encourage metrication. It existed from 1975 to 1982, ending when President Ronald Reagan abolished it, largely on the recommendation of Frank Mankiewicz and Lyn Nofziger. Overall, it made little impact on implementing the metric system in the United States.

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According to the "Important Note" in the pamphlet "Going Metric: Is it for you?" published in June 1982 by the United States Metric Board, the board was not set up to 'encourage' metrication: 'Congress established the Board to plan and coordinate the voluntary increasing use of the metric system. It is not, however, the role of the board to promote metric usage. The Board is an independent Federal agency responsible for conducting public information and education programs and appropriate research, coordination and planning activities. Metric Conversion in this country is voluntary."